El profesor Michael Wisnom de la Universidad de Bristol, visitará la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sevilla, el próximo 30 de Enero, cerrando así las conferencias plenarias de la XIV Edición del Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos MATCOMP21.
La plenaria del profesor Wisnom no pudo impartirse por enfermedad en el congreso celebrado en Sevilla, en Junio de 2022. En su lugar, el Profesor Quaresimin de la Universidad de Padova impartió una conferencia. Ahora, tras su recuperación nos complace anunciarles la fecha de su conferencia «Behaviour of thin ply hybrid composites», a la que se puede asistir de forma telemática y presencialmente.
Thin-ply composites have quite different behaviour from standard thickness materials, as matrix cracking and delamination are reduced or eliminated completely. Unnotched strength of thin-ply laminates is increased, but the lack of damage mechanisms to redistribute load around stress concentrations means that notched strength and fracture toughness are reduced. When thin plies are hybridized, new failure mechanisms can occur, with the possibility of plies fragmenting in tension, leading to pseudo-ductile stress-strain response and notch insensitivity. Fragmentation can also occur in compression with some materials, again producing a highly non-linear stress-strain response. In bending the different mechanisms in tension and compression lead to complex behaviour and the ability to tailor the response to produce gradual failure with high energy dissipation.
Michael Wisnom is Professor of Aerospace Structures at the University of Bristol, and was the founding Director of Bristol Composites Institute. He is a leading expert on the mechanics and failure of fibre reinforced composites, with over 400 published papers. He is Editor in Chief and European Editor for Applied Science and Manufacturing of Composites Part A. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and of the American Society for Composites. Professor Wisnom was the recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and is a past President of the International Committee on Composite Materials
DÍA: 30 de enero de 2023
HORA: 17:00
Lugar: Sala Juan Larrañeta. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería. Universidad de Sevilla
Asistencia: Gratuita a traves del siguiente enlace de acceso telemático